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How Brain Retraining For Over 50's Can End Alcohol, Nicotine, Gambling, & Drugs, Without Stress, Weight Gain, or Relapse.

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What You'll Learn...

PART 1:   How Brain Retraining Techniques 

End Your Addiction Without Struggle or Withdrawals.

PART 2:   How To Stop The 8 Common Mistakes, Keeping You Trapped In Your Addiction.

PART 3: ​  Understand The 6 Relapse Myths, So You Can ChooseThe Right Method To Quit.

Presenter - Michael Gregory

Michael Gregory, B.App.Sc(TCM), B.A. (Phil), has a background as a Philosopher, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner, and Hypnotherapist, as well as a life long interest in spirituality and personal development.

His other interests include surfing, poetry, shukuhachi, martial arts, and heartfelt conversation.

Michael also hosts the Addiction To Freedom podcast, which explores spiritual and personal awareness, as a path to freedom from our everyday addictions.

He is also the founder of the True Quit Method, which has helped 1000’s of clients overcome their addictions.

Michael believes that we all have addictions. Some are more socially recognised, such as substance, and gambling addictions. Others are more subtle, such as habitual thinking and our addiction to our self.

Through his programs he teaches a pathway of increasing freedom, peace and contentment, that is the natural result of getting to know our true nature, as our addictions fall away.

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